11562 days

Found in Your name the power to save
With only a whisper mountains shake
Jesus, our hope and strength
You made a way, unlocked these chains
Here in Your presence strongholds break
Freed by the love You gave

We give You the highest praise
You deserve it all, You deserve it all

There on a tree merciful King
Broken and shamed for all to see
The Father laid down His Son
From darkness to light
Death lost to life
Heaven and earth will join and sing
Jesus has overcome

With every breath that’s in my lungs
My heart cries out to You belongs
The glory
Through every loss or victory
My soul will rise to only bring
You glory

Written by:
Josh Baldwin / Joe Volk / Bobby Strand / Kalley Heiligenthal / Tony Brown

8.4606° N, 11.7799° W


Frost advisory in effect for: City of Toronto
Some plants may be damaged or even destroyed by frost. Temperatures are forecast to fall to the freezing mark overnight, resulting in patchy frost. Frost is expected Wednesday night into Thursday as well. Cover up plants, especially those in frost-prone areas. Take preventative measures to protect frost-sensitive plants and trees.

On 27 Apr 1846, Charles Joseph Van Depoele was born, a Belgian-American inventor who was one of the major contributors to the electric industry, especially in the field of transportation. His 243 U.S. patents included motors, dynamos, lighting, electric railway systems, overhead trolley systems and underground railway systems. Other electrically powered mechanisms he designed included a conveyor, telpher system, rock drill, power-hammer and coal-mining machine. After immigrating to the United States in 1869, Van Depoele became a successful manufacturer of church furniture and then began to pursue his interest in electricity. In addition to his notable patents of 1874 and 1883, Van Depoele received patents on an electric generator (1880), a carbon commutator brush (1888), an alternating-current electric reciprocating engine (1889), a telpher system (for a car running suspended from cables; 1890), a coal-mining machine (1891), and a gearless electric locomotive (1894). Van Depoele sold his electric-railway patents in 1888 to the Thomson-Houston Electric Company of Lynn, Mass., which soon thereafter was absorbed into the General Electric Company.

Enough for One Lifetime: Wallace Carothers, Inventor of Nylon
June 1 1996 by Matthew E. Hermes - 345 pages - Chemical Heritage Foundation

Wallace Hume Carothers was an American chemist who developed the first synthetic polymer fibre to be spun from a melt, a polyamide. Today's book pick is: , by . Carothers took an infant science called polymer chemistry, defined it, and guided it toward its present maturity. Hermes tells the story of Carothers’s sudden dramatic research successes, the discoveries and his relentless slide into depression, alcohol, and suicide.

Wallace Carothers was an American chemist who developed polymers (long-chain molecules) including the first successful synthetic rubber, neoprene (1931). He also produced (1935), the first synthetic polymer fibre to be spun from a melt, a polyamide. What is the common name of the polyamide he developed?

The Morse Code was name after its American inventor, who was born 27 Apr 1791. Independent of similar efforts in Europe, he developed an electric telegraph (1832-35), after which he created his famous code in 1838. What is this inventor’s first name?

On 27 Apr 1970, the discovery of element 105, was announced at the American Physical Society meeting in Washington, D.C. The work was done by Albert Ghiorso at the Lawrence Radiation Laboratory at the University of California, Berkeley, California. It has been named hahnium. What is the origin of the element name of hahnium?

On 27 Apr of a certain year, the first U.S. patent for an electric hearing aid was issued, titled a “Device for Aiding the Deaf to Hear.” The device employed bone conduction by which sound is passed through vibration of the skull bone. It was not until two decades later that the first commercially available hearing aid was produced by another inventor. In which decade was this first electric hearing aid U.S. patent issued?

@barroshouse.com - 11562 Days - 26 Nisan 5782 - April 27, 2022